Becoming a #1 bank for mortgage brokers
My team and I joined ME Bank with the mission statement to help the bank identify how to become a first-choice bank for mortgage brokers. We were given full creative control on how we accomplished this outcome, and so immediately began planning how we could execute the work. We knew that it would be vital to be able to communicate not just the outcomes, but also the journey of how we came to our conclusions. We also understood that there would likely be a number of complex solutions requiring coordination across the business.
UX Process
As this was my first project at ME Bank, and as part of a new team, it was important that we had a process that the team followed. I was asked to design a process to follow and create a document that we could use to walk stakeholders and collaborators through that process.
This document needed to be simple enough that anyone could understand what we're trying to achieve, while also give a clear picture of our process. I actually designed this for ME Bank before I joined the team, and thus the document doesn't follow their brand.

Project Poster
To help promote the goals of the project, and to share what we're working on with the wider team, we built a project poster following the
Atlassian Project Poster model. I spruced up this artefact so that we could post it around the building, with the hopes of generating interest in what we were doing.

Customer Interviews
I felt that understanding the perspective of our customers - just like any other UX project - would be crucial for our success. In this case, we had multiple customers in the journey; the home buyer, the mortgage broker, and our internal teams that process the home loan applications. We scheduled interviews with all three of these groups, sitting down with them in face to face settings and walking through their home loan journey.
We discovered that each customer segment had completely different challenges. Customers were frustrated with the complex, slow experience. Brokers want as much information as possible to provide to their customers. Our internal teams want to meet their SLA's and work efficiently and easily.
As we moved forward in the project, these interviews became vital resources that we would return to almost everyday, keeping us as close to the customer as possible.
User Journeys
From these interviews, we created complex user journey maps. These maps also combined with some process and service mapping, giving us a holistic view of what's happening with the customer, broker, and ME Bank at any point in the process.
We broke these journey maps down by customer segment, and by phase of the journey. This gave us a detailed, easy to digest view of how the home loan process happens.
We also mapped every pain point we had discovered through our research. There were hundreds of these pain points, spread all across the journey. This allowed us to see where our pain points 'clustered', and therefore which parts of the journey are most fraught. This also allowed us to create a matrix of these pain points to understand the impact and feasibility of resolving them.

Journey Maps
For privacy reasons, I've removed most of the detail from these journey maps. If you're curious about this piece of work, feel free to get in touch!
Communicating to the wider business
Once we'd identified all our pain points, and the customer impacts of those pain points, we began formulating a future state for the business to aspire to.
With this future state developed and validated with our customers, the next challenge was to communicate it to the wider business. I set to work on creating a story-driven presentation that put our audience into the shoes of the various customer segments, and helped them understand how the changes we were proposing would significantly improve our customer experience.
The presentation itself was a combination of ME Bank's brand look and feel, and my personal design style. I used basic illustrative assets to convey the story where possible, and paired these with simplified, quick language. The point of this presentation was not to convey the technical of logistical challenges, but simply to help our audience empathize with our customers.

Presentation Slides
These slides became another source of truth that our teams could point to as an aspiration point for their work. It created a shared understanding of what we were aspiring to do as a business.
Evergreen assets
This presentation became something we came back to again, and again, and again. It was a great tool to help business owners, developers, designers, and customer service staff understand the goals of the project
.While most of our recommendations to ME Bank will take years to complete, many of the ideas and solutions we created have since been implemented and ME Bank's home loan experience continues to evolve and improve.